
Since early childhood Chris has been interested in how we humans function. Over the years his interest spread out into bodywork, psychotherapy, movement and creative arts. From Zen Shiatsu to Gestalt, Improv theater, Voice Dialogue and Trauma Therapy (Somatic Experiencing), he just can’t get enough of studying and diving deeper into the healing arts. His deepest love however is for the 5Rhythms®. Once you start to put your body into motion, you open the gateways to magic. Chris will guide you with amazing music deep into your journey of transformation.

Next to the 5Rhythms® Chris created a Therapeutic Group Practice De Ondersteuning, a yoga studio AyurYoga and he is the founder of Trauma Healing Belgium where he organizes, assists and teaches Somatic Experiencing. He has been teaching 4-year Zen-Shiatsu trainings since 2005 and teaching post-graduate workshops like Structural Shiatsu and Shiatsu and Trauma. In his 5Rhythms® workshops he is often weaving in his background in Dance- Movement Therapy, Body Mind Centering, Somatic Experiencing and his knowledge of how a body functions.

One of his hobbies is creating music. You can find some of his creations here!
Chris is accredited as a Waves & Heartbeat level Teacher. Some of his workshops count as Electives towards the 5Rhythms® Teacher Training.