Surrendering Into Mystery
“The need for mystery is greater then the need for an answer”
— Ken Kesey

As (western) humans we were taught to seek answers. We were taught to seek meaning in this human life. Which often results in wanting to control, wanting to understand everything. Although this can be very useful at times, when we get stuck in wanting to control we start to lose our sense of wonder, our ability to be in awe. We miss the magical moments that are happening continuously throughout our lives. We have slowly lost our ability to be swept away by the mystery that is life. As Albert Einstein said: ”He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead…” How would it be if we were to simply pause and take in the world around us and the world within us.
In this workshop we will use the transformative qualities of the embodiment map of the 5 rhythms to re-learn ourselves to simply surrender into the mystery of our human liveliness. We will work with the movement of our bodies to support and to allow ourselves to surrender our hearts, our minds and our souls to the mysterious spirit that animates us all. Life is so unbelievably precious… why waste it being stuck in the constructs of our own minds?
This workshop is open for everyone, with or without experience. Having followed at least one open wave is recommended.
This workshop counts as waves hours towards the 5 Rhythms® Teacher Training
Location: Pistoriho Palác, Štefánikova 25, Bratislava, Slovakia
Times: Friday 18h-21h / Saturday10.30h-17.30h / Sunday 10h – 17h
Friday is part of the workshop but can be followed separately as an open Wave
Price: Full Price 160€ or 135€ if you pay in advance, non-refundable deposit 25€,
Info & Booking: Miša Trizuljaková ,, +421 905 404 825