From Surviving to Thriving

Waves & Heartbeat level workshop

5 Rhythms & Somatic Trauma healing

“Bad things happen in life”. We’ve all heard this phrase. And often it’s followed by “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. While there is a truth to these phrases, they only tell a part of the story. If we experience a (series of) traumatic event(s), or a continues traumatic time in our life, we can definitely survive, but often we have to live with its consequences in our day to day life. This can range from physical illness, or not being able to cope with certain situations, to isolating ourselves completely from the outside world. We managed to survive the bad thing, but we are not able to fully experience life as we were before.

Luckily, there is hope. There are ways to – step by step – start to integrate and heal these experiences and move back towards our ability to have a full life. Rediscovering our resiliency and move from merely surviving, back to thriving in our life.

In this workshop we will work with the embodiment of the 5 Rhythms combined with principles from Somatic Experiencing and Polyvagal theory. We will use the pathways that open through movement to start to create opportunities for our system to heal from adverse experiences.

We consciously keep the group size limited. You have to have danced at least one wave with Chris before signing up, so you have an experience with how Chris works and know a little bit what to expect.

The workshop counts as elective and heartbeat days for the 5 Rhythms Teacher Training.

Dates: 19-20 November

Times: Saturday: 10.00 – 17.00, Sunday 10.00 – 16.30

Location: Living Lei, Lei 15, 3000 Leuven (for parking info click here)

Info & Registration: Chris Camp –

Price: 170 €